
Thu: me, maiself and all.Yes, You, Yourself and Yours. Mental rigidity is the downfall of a sad social system that is dependent on critical change and is therefore of direct relevance to goofy governments and ignorant institutions, or more generally to all human-made systems. We are all part of the…

Cut the crap

United for Love & Peace we wish for the death of Angela Merkel through suffocation

How to turn rocks into soil.

After watching a documentary* on mushrooms, I found out that they are able to turn rocks into soil. “Fungi turn rocks into life.” (7:19). To learn more about fungi, I did an interview with a Microbiologist from the former Soviet Union. Currently she lives in Berlin- Marzahn. Although she had…

Ich möchte kein Stein mehr sein.

BELAID BAYLAL wurde auf offener Straße mit Flaschen beworfen und verprügelt. Er erlag im November 2000 seinen Verletzungen. Im selben Jahr wurde auch ich mit Glasflaschen beworfen, auf mich eingeprügelt mit den Füßen von Jugendlichen in der Carola-Neher*-Straße in Berlin-Hellersdorf. Einer der Jugendlichen war eine Nachbarin, die einen Stockwerk unter…


A word for the present moment. Negotiation redundant. Across two tier reality: online and real. Fall in line through non-specific fear. Compliance: opposite of luxury. The implication of no question. No possibility of communication or dialogue. Zero conversation, just anticipation of conformity. Facts lost: trust and obey. Dialogue redundant, agency…

Oh Europe! I love you so.

10 fundamental problems of labour economics

An abattoir situated in the district of Gütersloh (365.000 inhabitants) shelters its workforce comprised of 3300 migrant workers in groups in dedicated housing. During a state of pandemic, the general population will receive tests if they show relevant symptoms. Due to a public health interest, all of the migrant butchers…


I don’t want to speculate… But… it happened because there are a lot of young men here who aren’t integrated…. they aren’t integrated into our democracy, into our society, into our way of life… No, this has absolutely nothing to do with racism! Winfried Kretschmann, ZDF Heute Journal, 22.06.2020