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Healthy economy

It is profitable for a hospital to close a functioning and busy mental health department to free up beds for potential corona infected patients.


Golestan/Gülestan/Gulestan (rose garden) work in progress. I used following tutorial to upload my artwork: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lqbsYqKgRY You do not need to download a software, however, you have to upload your image to MC Map Item Tool: https://mc-map.djfun.de/. Now you can create your own gallery in single player mode! To bring an…

Sechs Mal wählt Dirk S., wie von den Behörden empfohlen, die Telefonnummer des Bereitschaftsdienstes der Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung (KV) – 116 117. „Ich hing jeweils etwa 40 Minuten in der Warteschleife, flog dann aus der Leitung“, sagt Dirk S. „Vier Stunden kein Durchkommen.“ Dirk S. wählt den Notruf der Feuerwehr. Er berichtet,…

Status Report

“Situation is good at the moment. Men can not spit on us and police can not fine us for covering our faces” Woman Vienna, May 5th


A couple of years ago I was stressing out about something. I can’t remember what it was but it was pretty intense. The kind of stress that makes you have flashbacks of random moments in your life that you’re not particularly proud of. The kind of stress that makes you…

Break the news between computer breaks

from Taz 01 mai 2020 “Der lange Marsch durch die infektionen” / Zeit “Hoffen auf Heilung”

You came in second in a race of two

A German person's life is worth about 1,720,000 €.

Recipe for Hate?

Reactance (psychology)

REACTANCE THEORY The theory describing a motivational state consisting of distress, anxiety and desire to restore freedoms taken away when an individual responds to a perceived threat or to loss of a freedom. According to the theory when an individual feels forced into a certain behaviour, they will react against…