Thu: me, maiself and all.Yes, You, Yourself and Yours.
Mental rigidity is the downfall of a sad social system
that is dependent on critical change
and is therefore of direct relevance
to goofy governments and ignorant institutions,
or more generally to all human-made systems.
We are all part of the enclosure of the
Eurocentric-Western defined culture carriers.
Systems that look back on past successes
and stick to their strategy of success,
which is guided by inhumanity, empty promises,
exploitation, greed and egoism, just to name a few,
are particularly endangered by mental rigidity.
Of course, a human-made structure cannot be called rigid on its own.
It is the people who reproductively operate and move within these structures.
The endangerment of established decision-making powers
follows from the flip side of their self-defined strengths:
Focusing on what is important for oneself,
independent self-governing and determination,
authoritarian leadership,
the separation from oneself, members and the outside world
and the usually strongly developed sense of success.
Either a toxic pattern, a harmful survival mode, or both.
In addition, the market-oriented tide of time
puts unreasonable time and performance pressure,
which, due to stress reaction,
leads to a narrowing of perception
and unsustainable superficial actionism.
The psychosomatic symptoms caused by this are made invisible.
Characteristics of rigid structural behavior output
are short-term glitches in expression and action,
twitching postures when triggering jaw dropping What-The-Fucks,
culturally appropriated rituals celebrating oneself ecstatically,
sarcastic jokes with the potential to ignite a terrorist line behavior,
nobleness, recycled see-to-be-seen charity-like entertainment events,
white fragility and white saviorism,
saving each other’s problematic asses,
insisting on the economics of language,
one-hit-wonder-esque domestic discussions,
the avoidance or inability of inadmissible, critical questioning,
self-reflection and reformation,
silencing and ignorance and more.
The effects are a rapid standstill,
an almost conspiracy-theoretical epistemological defensive attitude
towards the constantly transforming social complex of beings
and a mostly unstoppable decline in insight,
which escalates into automated repression mechanisms, amnesia or blackouts.
Until the end, self-deception,
which is preserved like an elixir of life,
the hope for a change of circumstances, for example,
or the breakthrough of a new miracle cure,
be it the promising excitement initiated by a media-pushed awareness raising wake-up call,
an old social problem in disguise, of course,
that soon will be randomly replaced by a less outworn trending # on day X
or a provisionally poorly established new pop-up extension of the existing,
However, when the delayed change is finally imposed from the outside,
thanks and welcome aliens,
respect- revolutionists,
the meantime loss of substance is usually too great
for successful ad hoc renovation
– at least in the respective and following generations.
Maybe a restart or a complete new build would do.
Preventive measures lie in the basic orientations towards the following demands:
Anyone who wants to un-rigid
must let the subaltern represent and speak for and amongst themselves,
respect their emotions without silencing them
must translate
both their own status quo and the resulting actions
into the past, present and future.
Anyone who wants to un-rigid
must take away the fear of self-reflection, self-criticism and mistakes,
must positively evaluate uncertainty as a sign of progress and, above all,
must make a critical-controversial dialogue a matter of course
as a pre-condition for any decision making and selection procedure,
must consider social goals as “future planned agreements“.
In short:
IF determined to un-rigid THEN un-rigid some x or ELSE un-rigid some y
WHILE being determined to un-rigid DO un-rigid some x, y, etc.
To keep one’s feet on the ground of human history,
it must be acknowledged that
the utopia of eternal peace and endless happiness
is not a human future and that humans move in curved loops
in time, space and space-time.
Humans cause pain and feel pain in a real-time referential way.
Rigid human systems need to learn to see errors, fuzziness,
unpleasant thought-provoking impulses and how to implement them.
It also means not having the claim to be objectively morally correct.
It is impossible to have access to all information at any given time.
If a revolting concept were to be named, then it would be that
of a power-political and academically supported objective moral truth,
(monolithic: μόνος (mónos), “single, alone” + λίθος (líthos), “stone”;
monolithic = rigid body),
which takes on timelessly destructive dimensions
and is the breeding ground of self-legitimized riots.
This veiled form of inherited dominance
denies the existence of subjective collective experiences
(multi-agent systems: The agents in a multi-agent system have several important characteristics:
– Autonomy: agents at least partially independent, self-aware, autonomous,
– Local views: no agent has a full global view,
or the system is too complex for an agent to exploit such knowledge
– Decentralization: no agent is designated as controlling
(or the system is effectively reduced to a monolithic system))
and that of subjects (agents).
The preservation of humankind for example,
which is sold as objective moral truth
is strictly speaking subjectively collective
and therefore selflessly selfishly motivated.
Other subjective collective concepts are often advertised
as objective moral truths and take on corresponding rampant forms.
Nothing objectively wrong with being part of some belief system.
It would be fruitful for any further negotiation processes
to try to understand other beliefs,
to be open to any form of belief revision and
to acknowledge that any form of supposed knowledge, a belief state,
a set of partial differential equations,
which includes some moral concept,
is defined by a belief system whose universal validity cannot be proven.
Never. Unless all humans become the same – whenever that will happen.
Let’s say, the preservation of humankind is a desired higher goal.
Then intentionally defeating and getting rid of those
established rigid human-made systems and humans,
who consciously and actively discriminate
by covering-up,
by silencing,
by intimidating,
by destroying,
by murdering and
by putting societies in danger etc.,
would be appropriate, no?
Or else dynamic power rotating multi-agent systems it might be.
Privileged nihilist who wants to reject truths and is tired of believers
would not need to bother themselves further with moral concepts
and mental rigidity or disorientate themselves from no target,
but they will be dragged into the maelstrom of collective claims at some point.
The non-human can be quite indifferent to the human intention.
Well, at least the why-questioning by non-humans
has not reached a wider human crowd, yet.
Descendants of old rigid predominantly white thinkers,
who cling to super-humans and ideal beings
and thus super social systems,
are those who have secretly abandoned humankind
and their many forms of (co-) existence.
They now give way to artificially reduced copies of thought,
conquering and escaping into digital terrain
and laying the reproductive foundation for system-clones,
which are pre-programmed to update and multiply themselves,
and refuse to directly confront the repression of human unpredictability
in order to preserve the promised immortality of their thought.
They prefer to live in amnesia and outsource
historical reappraisal, responsibilities, painful confrontation
and conflicts in digital parallel world bubbles,
instead of reshaping analogue social landscapes,
because the given circumstances and receptivity
of a human body and soul would tire too quickly.
Rigid bodies usually don’t move, unless natural forces carry them away.
Rigidity is the self-deception of security.
It works by mentally closing one’s eyes to reality.
In the short term, this creates a calm and numbing feeling,
which is illusory and reassuring.
Longterm dynamic change, however,
is only created by transparent accessibility of any process and follow-ups,
rotating power chairs and constant multi-agent-system updates,
at better in avoidance to revitalize past human errors,
that go beyond the existing and include one’s very own fingerprint.